The Official Home Page of the
Eastwood Band Program
Pemberville, OH
🎼 Changing Lives Through Music 🦅
Brian Myers Jonathan Roode
419-833-3611 x432 419-833-3611 x436
2024-25 Band Calendar
Click here for the current 2024-25 District Band Calendar. The Google Calendar is always available on this web page in the left menu bar. Add this calendar to your Google Calendar to follow all band events.
***The final concert for grades 6-12 has been changed to Wednesday, May 7, 2025 at 7:30pm in the HS Gym.***
Eastwood Band Advances to State
The Eastwood High School Concert Band qualified for state competition when they earned a superior rating at the Ohio Music Education Association District Large Group Adjudicated Event on March 7 at Sylvania Southview HS. The Band is directed by Brian Myers and Jonathan Roode.
The superior rating of a “I” (one) is earned for "an outstanding performance, with very few technical errors and exemplifying musical expression. This rating is reserved for the truly outstanding performance," according to the OMEA rating description.
At large group, bands perform three prepared pieces. One of the pieces is required to be from an OMEA list of music. This piece determines the band's class. This year the Eastwood Band competed in class B.
The three prepared pieces are performed for a panel of three judges. Each judge rates the group from I to V. The band then goes immediately to another room for sight reading. The band is given a new piece of music. After only six minutes of study, they perform the new piece for one additional judge, who assigns them a rating from I to V. The four scores are averaged for a composite rating. Eastwood earned three “I’s” on prepared pieces and a “I” in sight reading (best possible scores), for an overall rating of “I”. Eastwood was one of nine bands from a field of 32 to earn straight “I” ratings.
The Eastwood High School Concert Band will travel to Findlay for State OMEA competition on the morning of April 26.
The Eastwood Band Boosters have partnered with a new, local, Eastwood parent-owned business, to offer high-quality Eastwood themed metal products. Luckey Goat Customs is a metal cutting and design business owned and operated by Peter Cully. The products are made of 11-16 gauge, powder coated steel and are very durable. You can choose your color(s) from red, white and Columbia (powder) blue. You can see these products first hand during home football games at the table next to the bratwurst stand. These items would make excellent office or home decorations, gifts for Eagle fans, or even stocking stuffers for the smaller items. Orders can be placed online through November 1st with delivery by December 3rd.
2024 Band Camp Awards
Most Music Memorized Award
Jenica Rollheiser
Most Improved Award
Addison Goodlet, Libby Hawn, Leah Johnson, Faith Lashley
Director’s Awards
BaileeAnn Bumpus, Cosette Daniels, Luke Marlowe, Jacob Ochs, Mariah Rhodes
Leadership Awards
Lilly Beckwith, Savanah Stephens
Outstanding Freshman Marcher Award
Jacob Connell
Outstanding Sophomore Marcher Award
Kameron Stone
Outstanding Junior Marcher Award
Cameron Brinker
Outstanding Senior Marcher Award
Megan Aring
Outstanding Section Award
Majorettes: Megan Aring, Lauren Frobose, Addison Goodlet, Kyleah Grubb
Band Camp Dance Attendants
Freshman – Leah Sholey & Jacob Connell
Sophomores – Layla Newman & Dominic Pearce
Juniors – Lilly Beckwith & Cameron Brinker
Seniors – Carys Ruck, Parker Bengry & John Stewart
Queen & King - Emily Payne & Gabe Pearce
Congratulations to the following Eastwood Band students who performed at OMEA Middle School Solo & Ensemble on Saturday, April 6th at Northwood High School.
Earning a Superior I (One) Rating for a solo:
· Kadence Howard
· Penelope Hale
· Melody Myers (2 solos)
· Eddie Robinson
· Jacob Ochs (2 solos)
· Erika Smith
· Leah Sholey (2 solos)
Earning an Excellent II (Two) Rating on a solo:
· Evie Althaus
· Kylie Cully
· Ethan Headley
Earning an Excellent II (Two) Rating on an ensemble:
· Owen Burris, Penelope Hale & Sophia Sarver
Performing a Festival Performance on a solo or ensemble:
· Sophie Fiordalisi
· Abram Bailey & Sophie Fiordalisi
Congratulations to all the participants for their dedication to perform and personal improvement.
MS Social Crew
MS Social Crew Parent Meeting: May 23rd 8:30 p.m. on Zoom
The Zoom link will be forwarded to MS parents closer to the meeting date.
Thanks to parents who volunteered and donated for the Eastwood MS Band Spring Fling.
Practicing and Improvement
There are important practice tools for all band members to use for personal improvement.
Tuners and metronomes can be found for free online, as apps, or you may have an electronic device (HS winds have a school provided Korg TM-50/60). For Android apps, try Metronome Beats and Sound-corset tuner (both free). In 2021, we will start using the Tonal Energy Tuner app at school which is available for $3.99.
Individual Practice System in the Tradition of Excellence
The 6th & 7th Grade Tradition of Excellence (TOE) method book comes with a free 1 year subscription to the Individual Practice System (IPS). This computer program or app contains playing examples, accompaniments, and much, much more! This is a very valuable practice tool. Directions for installing the IPS can be found on the inside back cover of the TOE method book (Note: It cannot be downloaded to the 6th Grade ChromeBooks. Please use another device.)
Solo Instrument Books
Themed solo instrument books (sometimes called play-along or folios) have the melody written for your instrument, and include a recorded accompaniment. Solo books can be purchased through Rettig Music (1-800-52-MUSIC) or online. Be sure the difficulty level is appropriate by viewing sample pages. Check out the numerous styles of pop, rock, Disney, country, musicals and more at the Hal Leonard website.
Method Books
These are not the red, blue or green books we use in MS classes, but rather instrument specific method books that work progressively on playing techniques. There are many to choose from, so ask a director for recommendations. If you take private lessons (next paragraph), your teacher will probably ask you to purchase a few method books. If you are going to use more than 1 book, it may be more affordable for you to purchase a yearly SmartMusic subscription. This gives you access to numerous method books, band pieces, professional reference recordings, and a host of practice tools. One of the most useful tools is immediate feedback on performances.
Any private lessons are great for individual growth, even if you cannot meet every week in the summer. A great place to start for wind players is Howard Williams, the retired Woodmore Band Director. He is closeby in Woodville, experienced and affordable ($15/30 min.). He can be reached at or 419-575-4658. For percussion, Mike Czeczele, Terra Tech. Percussion Instructor who lives in Woodville, 419-707-3133, There are many other teachers, so please contact Mr. Myers if you need additional recommendations.
Piano Lessons
If you are looking for a new challenge, playing piano has theory and musicianship benefits that apply to every instrument. Click here for a list of Eastwood area piano teachers.
Sight Reading Factory
Your school Sight Reading Factory subscription is good throughout the summer, so please continue to use it as a part of your practice routine.
The BGSU College of Musical Arts offers numerous diverse performances throughout the fall and spring semesters, many of them free to the public. Listening and imitating is an important part of becoming a great musician.
The BGSU CMA calendar can be found at:
Don't forget the Falcon Marching Band on game days! They give a Pre-Flight concert usually on the south end of the stadium.
College Camps
Most Ohio colleges and universities offer summer camps for specific instruments, band and jazz. Many were not offered this summer, or went online due to COVID, but will be back in 2022.
YouTube Channel
Performances of the Eagle Marching Band will be posted on our YouTube Channel.
High School Band Florida Trip
The Eastwood High School Band traveled to Orlando, Florida from April 9-15, 2022. The band has been taking this trip every 4 years since 1986. In Disney's "You're Instrumental" Performing Arts Workshop, the concert band sight reads, prepares and records a polished performance of special Disney music selections, including a pairing the band with a clip from a Disney film. The marching band performs in the Magic Kingdom's Festival of Fantasy pre-parade for a park full of spectators. The band visits four Disney parks, Typhoon Lagoon water park, Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. Trip arrangements are with Noteworthy Tours, Sandusky.